Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Useful Information From Cheap Weddings Site: Can A Maasai Wedding Benefit?

Some online shopping sites are amazing in terms of convenience and range of merchandise. Like camera weddings which stocks wedding related stuff and more. Pity the wedding talked about in this Maasai story couldn't possible make use of such valuable services out there in the bush in Africa. Still this is the kind of service that should prove to be useful to virtually anybody.

The cheap wedding site gives very interesting information that will help anybody save a lot of money on their purchases.

The approximate cost of a 150-guests-wedding is in the range of $25,000 and an be a lot higher in big urban areas. It is estimated that the receptio usually takes the lion'es share of any wedding budget with 48% to 50% of the total budget going to this expense. The next big expense in percentage terms is video and photography which usually guzzles 10% to 12% of the total budget. All other expenses are left to share out the remaining 40% or so.
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The effective “buddy on demand” companion that inflates instantly at the flick of a switch next to women drivers worried about driving alone helps deter road rogues and is being promoted by women’s car insurance company Sheilas’ Wheels. Information like this and everything else that is useful and has to do with auto insurance online is to be found at This is a site that is easy to use and will help anybody save both time and cash on their insurance requirements.