Wednesday, December 13, 2006

University Education Has Changed Tremendously

Although Universities and leading institutions of higher learning will not admit it easily but education as we know it has changed a great deal. The World Wide Web is responsible for that change. No longer are universities the best and only source of knowledge. In fact the emphasis has changed and requires better educated people who are able to know exactly where to find information quickly and how best to analyze and apply that information.

One of the consequences of this is to make second degrees very important. Something like an online master degree is of great value and one excellent place to get is at Capella University which offers 76 graduate and undergraduate specializations and 16 certificate specializations. Capella is a national leader in online education. For more information, you can visit

The Nature Of Maasai Women

Maasai women are quiet, submissive and totally dependent on their men. Other African tribes and communities have been known to have women leaders or ladies with strong personalities. Not the Massai, their womn almost dissapear into the background and merge with the cow dung walls that make up the manyattas, or low mud-huts that they lived in shaped like Eskimo igloos.

Women Are Important

Yet this is not to say that Maasai women are not important. Like in many African communities, the quietness of women does not mean a lack of power. To start with Maasai ladies are real beauties. With their long necks adorned with large round, stiff necklaces that flaot up and down proudly as they dance and sing, (mostly doing the latter) in the Maasai dance of great huge leaps into the air.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

A Name Synonymous With Beauty

Peter Belisi started out bartending in Palm beach and struggling to support his family. But all the time he was looking out for a brilliant idea to launch a successful business on. He found it in high quality designer tie collections.

Today the name Belisi Fashions is synonymous with beauty and has earned a loyal following for its high-end, quality ties, and more recently scarves and handbags.

In other words, Belisi stands for good living: great style, quality accessories and giving back to the community. It is said that Belisi unites the luxury and prestige of Palm Beach with Italian beauty and sophistication. This is what has driven droves of high-end customers in its direction.

Why Do White Women Fall For Maasai Warriors?

White Tourist women often fantasize about the Maasai and there have been many instances where steamy love affairs have resulted. In one famous case a married middle aged woman left her husband and financial security to wed a young jobless Maasai warrior with very limited prospects. Naturally her family were puzzled and very hurt about the way she had behaved.

How Do You Love Somebody Who Rarely Has A Bath?

So what is it about the Maasai that makes them so irrestitible? How does somebody fall in love with a primitive Maasai warrior who rarely has a bath let alone use a deodorant or cologne? One needs to stand close to a genuine Maasai to quickly realize what I am talking about here. While the Maasai are "well endowed" no doubt helped along by the fact that they do not wear inhibiting trousers or underwear, there is little else to explain this bizarre attraction.

Why Link Popularity Is So Important

One of the interesting things that seems to happen online all the time is folks stubbornly sticking to something that has been long outdated. For instance algorithm changes at Google has caused PR or page rank to drop dramatically in importance as far as the positioning of sites in search engine results is concerned. Yet you will still see plenty of articles written by so-called experts, still singing the importance of PR.

What has become really important for any site owner to do is to increase link popularity. There are various ways of doing this including link baiting articles, but the really effective way to do it is to use the popular Blogitive service.

Blogitive currently has more than 2000 Blogs within its network and is growing. To use the service, what you need to do is to submit a web release (mini press release) through Blogitive to these Bloggers and they will write about your release and link to your website in any manner you want, including any URL and any keyword phrase. Blogitive has proven to be extremely effective in increasing link popularity and is also very cost effective. Please visit the Blogitive site ( to learn more.

Leaps And Screams That Are The Maasai Dance

One of the really fascinating things to behold about the Maasai tribe are their highly unique dances. The Maasai dance involves singing in rhythm to a song mainly sang by the women but responded to by men as they scream and take great big leaps into the air ands on their side with one holding a spear.

Song And Dance Before War

It seems that the Maasai dance helps work young warriors into a frenzy that leaves them fierce and ready to do battle. It is also akin to an athlete warming up their muscles in readiness for their sporting event. Whichever way you look at it, nobody wants to mess with a Maasai after they've been through their dance routine of leaping several times, high into the air even as they stretch their necks to lift their heads high.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

A Marriage Made In Russia

Many people say that the average Russian woman has the looks of a super model. And yet women from the former Soviet Union will tend to seek marriage and a family before career.

In fact many of the women contacted through will be thinking marriage, family and a long term relationship and happiness with the person of their dreams.

Many Americans and people from other parts of the world have long found Russian brides very special. For starters the rate of divorce in Russia is very low when compared to the United States.

This is precisely the reason why a relationship with a Russian woman is bound to be very different from any other that you have ever had.

When You Meet A Maasai, Be Careful

If you ever go to Kenya and meet a Maasai in the coastal town of Mombasa or on a Mombasa beach, then you need to be very suspicious. Chances are that they are not a real Maasai but are in fact entrepreneurs looking to cash bin on you. Let not the traditional dress and regalia fool you.

Maasais Will Be Found Close To Their Beloved Animals

Maasais will almost certainly be found in their usual neighborhood deep in the interior and away from the Coast. In places like Ngong Hills Kiserian, Ongata Rongai and the likes. More often than not they will be found quite close to where their beloved animals are. This is how you will be more sure that it is a genuine Maasai that you are dealing with.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Enduring Gold

It is a fact that gold has endured for centuries as one of the best ways for a person to preserve their wealth and purchasing power. Every recorded major civilization from the Egyptians, to the Greeks and Romans to modern times, all have used gold as a major way to store wealth safetly.

Gold is available for investors in coin or ingot form. Coins have a currency value or they are they are defined as ingots.

You will frequently hear the experts say that gold bullion is the perfect investment. This is one of the reasons why for over 30 years the Monex Deposit Company (MDC) has been America's gold and precious metals investment leader.

Do Maasais Really Share Their Wives?

Much has been said about the "wife swapping" culture of the Maasai people. The Maasai are a very open people, but this is one subject that they will never discuss openly and this has led many to believe that the Maasai tendency towards wife swapping is nothing but a myth. Nothing would be further from the truth.

Wife Swapping Maasais

The truth is that Maasai warriors belonging to the same age group are allowed to drive the spear into the ground and go into the manyatta (Maasai hut) of any agemate and spend the night there and even enjoy the favors of the woma of the house if the husband is for some reason not around.